My Wife Is Embarrassed by Me on YouTube!

You've got exactly 27 hours left to get your ticket for the Second Brain Summit at the early-bird price! After that, the price goes up from $999 to $1200.

By the way, we've just announced 8 more speakers who will lead small breakout sessions giving you the chance to dive even deeper into specialized topics.

Today, I want to highlight one of our workshop leaders: productivity expert and creator Thomas Frank.

Thomas has been obsessed with solving a common problem... that the best ideas often come to us at the worst times – while you're driving, out for a run, or chopping lumber in the woods.

Without the right tools to capture those ideas instantly, effortlessly, and in-the-moment, you'll lose almost all of them.

So in his workshop, Thomas Frank will show you the tools he's built and wacky experiments he's run in the name of never losing a great idea, including how to generate a perfect transcript using voice notes, instantly capture web content with a couple clicks, and digitize handwritten notes using AI.

How Can I Focus in a Culture That’s Constantly Fragmenting Our Attention?

In an age where distractions are everywhere, the ability to focus on a single task for a prolonged period is becoming increasingly rare—yet it’s more important than ever.

Here are five practices that help me stay focused:

  • Set boundaries around your digital interactions: I have specific times for checking emails (and batch-processing them) as well as social media so they don't interrupt my day constantly with notifications.
  • Create a distraction-free environment: You want a workspace that's conducive to focus. I keep my desk clean and organized and regularly use noise-canceling headphones to block out any distractions.
  • Practice mindfulness and meditation: I learned at a 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat that attention is a skill. And thus, you can and should actively cultivate it.
  • Limit the intake of new information: You likely already have everything you need to succeed at the task at hand. More research can become a distraction. When I truly want to focus, I shut off the WIFI and work only in my Second Brain.
  • Single-task: The sense that you're getting more done when multitasking is an illusion. It just fragments our attention even more. Instead, focus on one task at a time.

My Wife Is Embarrassed by Me on YouTube!

Join my wife Lauren and me for an open, honest conversation about the realities of entrepreneurship and marriage.

We sat down over coffee to talk about what building a business has been like for us as a couple and the resulting highs and lows of our relationship.

Lauren also shared her unique productivity system which is so different than mine.

Not Your Average Profile: Tiago Forte's Secret to Success

As you receive this newsletter on Tuesday morning, we are on our way to LAX airport to get on one-way flights to our new home in Mexico.

Lauren and I teared up listening to this interview because it encapsulates so well why we’re making this move, why it’s so important for us, and what we’re hoping to give our children through this experience.

I don’t know of any more transformative decision than deciding to live in a different culture, and my conversation with Jo explains why.

The Best New App For Newsletter Reading

Newsletters from trusted friends and creators are a major sources of information for me so I'm subscribed to dozens of them.

The problem is that they mix with other emails in my inbox, which isn't even the place where I want to read them anyway.

Now, there's a new app on the block specifically designed for reading newsletters: Meco.

Meco connects to Gmail and Outlook, allowing you to instantly move your newsletters to the app (and clear your inbox).

Once in Meco, you can group newsletters, set smart filters, bookmark your favorites, and read them in a scrollable feed. Overall, a much better reading experience than your inbox.

If you're a newsletter aficionado like me, I invite you to give Meco a try.

(We're an affiliate of Meco. That means when you click the link and sign up, we earn a commission at no extra cost to you.)


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Tiago Forte

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Forte Labs Newsletter

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Only 10 days left to secure your ticket for the Second Brain Summit, happening on Oct. 3-4 in LA! We have 150 attendees coming in from a dozen countries, and it’s shaping up to be the greatest gathering of PKM-related ideas ever held. Today, I want to introduce you to another incredible speaker you’ll hear from there: Khe Hy. Khe is not your average productivity guru. As an entrepreneur, podcast host, and coach, he's been asking the questions that many of us are afraid to face. And at the...

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