My Journey Through Psychosomatic Pain

Only 10 days left to secure your ticket for the Second Brain Summit, happening on Oct. 3-4 in LA!

We have 150 attendees coming in from a dozen countries, and it’s shaping up to be the greatest gathering of PKM-related ideas ever held.

Today, I want to introduce you to another incredible speaker you’ll hear from there: Khe Hy.

Khe is not your average productivity guru. As an entrepreneur, podcast host, and coach, he's been asking the questions that many of us are afraid to face.

And at the summit, he's bringing us his provocative keynote: "The Productivity Delusion."

In a world where we're constantly trying to squeeze more out of every second, Khe is here to make us pause and reflect...

  • Why are we so obsessed with productivity in the first place?
  • What if all our favorite productivity tools are just... distractions?
  • And the big one: Who are you when you strip away all the achievements?

Trust me, this is one session that'll have you thinking long after the summit ends.

The Power of Constraints: 5 Ways to Finally Hit "Publish"

Ever feel like you're stuck in a never-ending loop of tweaking and second-guessing? Yeah, I've been there.

I found that more often than not, the key to getting stuff done is to box yourself in.

Sounds counterintuitive! But trust me, putting some limits on yourself can be like rocket fuel for your productivity.

Here are 5 constraints that have helped me stop overthinking and finally hit the publish button:

  • Time: Set a strict deadline for when you'll share your work. Even better, make a public commitment to get it done by a certain date.
  • Format: Limit yourself to a certain word count or video length. You could also choose a specific structure such as a 5-paragraph essay or a listicle.
  • Tech: Write only using your phone or disable your internet connection while working.
  • Resources: Limit yourself to resources you already have saved in your Second Brain, without additional research.
  • Quality: Aim for "80% good" instead of trying to make it perfect.

This newsletter is a great example of constraints in action. I've committed to publishing it every Tuesday in a pre-defined format. These constraints push me to focus on getting my ideas out rather than endlessly polishing them.

I know it sounds weird to limit yourself, but give it a shot. You might be amazed at how quickly you go from "I'll do it someday" to "Hey, I actually finished this!" Remember, done is better than perfect.

Do you have a "favorite constraint" that has worked for you? Hit reply and share it with me.

Unspeakable Pain: A Personal Journey Through Psychosomatic Illness

In my latest blog post, I share a deeply personal journey through an unexplained illness that affected my voice for years.

What began as a small scratch in my throat eventually spiralled into debilitating pain and silence, leaving me without answers after visiting dozens of doctors across four countries.

It wasn’t until I explored the mind-body connection through the work of Dr. John Sarno and other experts that I finally began to understand the root cause of my suffering.

This post dives into my experiences with psychosomatic illness, how emotional suppression can manifest as physical pain, and the process of healing by reconnecting with my body and emotions.

If you’ve ever struggled with chronic pain or unexplained symptoms, or if you’re curious about the mind-body relationship, I hope my story offers you some insights or comfort.

Any Good Content on “Annual Reviews” You Can Recommend?

I'm hard at work on my new book on the topic of how to perform a holistic life review as a yearly ritual for personal growth and would love to know what ideas are already out there.

It could be books, articles, films, YouTube videos, templates, tools, apps, or any thinker or writer you know is doing or has done interesting work on this theme.

Relevant topics could include:

  • Self-reflection and introspection
  • Journaling and other reflective writing techniques
  • Creating personal narratives
  • Goal-setting frameworks
  • Building resilience
  • Prioritization and decision-making
  • Biographies or memoirs of people who completed life reviews
  • Long-term habit formation and behavior change
  • Art therapy
  • Ways of exploring meaning and purpose
  • Personal financial and career planning
  • Assessing one's physical health and fitness
  • Emotional intelligence and self-management

I know that's a wide-ranging list, which is why I need your help! If you have something you can recommend, hit reply to share it with me, please.

Elevate Your Nonfiction Reading

Books are still my favorite source of learning. But since having kids the time I can dedicate to reading has dwindled.

So Shortform has been my go-to for diving into all the interesting nonfiction books without losing any substance.

It’s an extensive library in your pocket or desktop covering genres from education and career to psychology and leadership with books like Feel Good Productivity by Ali Abdaal and Four Thousands Weeks by Oliver Burkeman.

Shortform also provides:

  • Expert analysis and commentary
  • Connections and counter-arguments in related works
  • Exportable to print and audio formats
  • Exercises to solidify understanding

The first 500 of my subscribers to sign up get a 7-day free trial and 20% OFF an annual subscription!

Thanks to Shortform for sponsoring this newsletter.


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Tiago Forte

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Forte Labs Newsletter

Level up your productivity and life with new essays, videos, event invites, and other resources every Tuesday. Join 125k subscribers exploring the frontier of modern work, experimenting with new ways of doing more with less, and discovering what it means to fulfill our human potential. 100% free and 100% useful!

Read more from Forte Labs Newsletter

We are ready to announce the final round of speakers for the Second Brain Summit! With the full agenda now set and just 4 days left to grab your ticket, this is your last chance to join us in LA on Oct. 3-4 for two days of inspiration, hands-on workshops, and transformative connections. Michael Gendler and Tristan deMontebello, the Co-founders of Ultraspeaking, will teach strategies for speaking confidently without notes or memorization, offering techniques to stay composed and deliver...

With the Second Brain Summit just a month away, the excitement is building... And I'm especially looking forward to hearing from Rachel Woods, who’s bringing her expertise in AI and creativity to the stage. In her keynote, “Automating Creativity: Using Process and Repeatability to Unlock AI’s Potential,” Rachel will explore how AI can help us scale our creativity in ways we’ve never imagined. She’ll dive into the practical ways you can embed process and repeatability into your work, making AI...

As we gear up for the Second Brain Summit, I’m pleased to introduce the next two remarkable speakers who will be joining us this October—Stacey Harmon and Federico Simionato. Evernote has been a trusted tool for so many of us over the years, and since its acquisition by Bending Spoons in 2022, it’s undergone a transformation that’s taken its capabilities to the next level. Stacey, the OG Evernote Certified Expert, and Federico, Evernote’s Product Lead, are the perfect duo to walk us through...