
Forte Labs Newsletter

Introducing the Second Brain Summit

Published about 1 month ago • 2 min read

I'm unbelievably proud to announce the inaugural Second Brain Summit, taking place October 3–4, 2024, in Los Angeles, California!

We're gathering 500 of the most dedicated experts and practitioners of personal knowledge management in the world’s creative capital with three goals in mind:

  1. To meet other like-minded people and see that we're not alone
  2. To celebrate the explosion of digital creativity we're living through
  3. To share and learn from each other the most powerful tools and techniques for personal knowledge management and productivity

Click below to learn more and join the waitlist. You'll be the first to hear when tickets go live on May 14th.

Introducing the Second Brain Summit

In this blog post, I'm sharing the backstory behind the Second Brain Summit...

When I first arrived in San Francisco in 2012 to start my career, my dreams and visions for what I wanted my life to be were SO much bigger than my reality.

I wanted to break into the tech world but had no real idea of how to do that.

So I started attending events, meetups, and conferences, which ended up opening doors to possibilities that I could barely imagine at that time...

Consulting with multinational companies, writing bestselling books, speaking at conferences around the world, and being able to support my family financially while doing work I’m so passionate about.

This is why we're bringing the Second Brain Summit to life.

To create a place where you can surround yourself with the kinds of people who make you better. People who are dedicated to something and are trying to build something special and meaningful.

"Do you want to be right or do you want to be effective?"

A mentor asked me this question a few years ago and since then I've come back to it again and again.

Our egos are constantly in the way of getting what we want. We fight to win the small "battles," ultimately sacrificing far more important things, usually healthy, long-term relationships.

What if you didn't care about being right? Getting comfortable with being wrong in all sorts of situations is a superpower that helps you grow quicker than you can imagine.

Stellar Life Podcast: How to Unlock Creativity, Productivity, and Flow

Love and wellness coach Orion interviewed me on the Stellar Life podcast on how to unlock your creative flow and break through overwhelm.

We covered:

  • Why I'm not naturally organized or productive (my teachers always caught me daydreaming in school)
  • Everyone already has a Second Brain in some shape or form
  • The few intentional decisions you have to make so your Second Brain works for you
  • How I find the discipline and desire to do things that are not fun
  • How I structure my days (and why I don't have a rigorous morning routine)
  • How I manage my team and business
  • And much more

Time For a Productivity Pulse Check!

We go to the doctor to check if our bodies are functioning properly and to catch what needs attention. Now, you can do the same for your workflows and productivity system.

Our team put together a short quiz to help you reflect on the daily practices that impact your productivity and reveal which area would benefit from improvement the most.


Build your Second Brain

Join BASB Foundation →


Create a system for productivity

Join POP →


Organize your digital life

Get the PARA Method →

Tiago Forte

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5318 E. 2nd St. PMB 36973, Long Beach, CA 90803

Forte Labs Newsletter

Build your Second Brain with Tiago Forte

Level up your productivity and life with new essays, videos, event invites, and other resources every Tuesday. Join 125k subscribers exploring the frontier of modern work, experimenting with new ways of doing more with less, and discovering what it means to fulfill our human potential. 100% free and 100% useful!

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