More Success Won’t Fulfill You

2 more sleeps until the Second Brain Summit is finally here! 🧠🎉

It’s hard to believe that something we started working on a year ago is actually happening.

It feels so surreal to be back in LA, getting ready to welcome over 200 people from 15 countries for two days of conversations, learning, and connections.

We’ve poured everything into making this summit a truly transformative experience—and it’s going to be incredible to see it all come together.

If you want to follow along with the excitement, check out the hashtag #secondbrainsummit on social media.

Can’t wait to share more updates with you soon!

How to Organize Your To-Do List

Do you dread your to-do list? You're not alone. For many, this productivity tool has morphed into a source of stress and anxiety.

Here's the twist: this dread is often self-inflicted. We assume to-dos must be difficult and painful, so we unconsciously make them harder than necessary.

The good news is that you can approach your task list in a way that sets you up for success instead of sabotage. The key is understanding your own work habits and energy patterns.

There's no one-size-fits-all approach, so consider these strategies for organizing your to-do list:

  1. "Eat the Frog" Method: Start with the hardest to-do and progress to easier ones. That way you tackle challenging tasks when your energy is highest. But this can feel overwhelming at the start of the day.
  2. Warm-Up Approach: Begin with easier tasks to build momentum, overcome initial inertia and build confidence. However, if you get bogged down in minutiae you risk procrastinating on more important tasks.
  3. Energy Mirroring: Align tasks with your natural energy levels throughout the day to maximize productivity by working with your body's rhythms. This requires self-awareness and you may need adjustments as energy patterns change.

Remember, organizing your to-do list is a personal choice. The best method is the one that works for you.

What approach resonates with you? Have you found a strategy that works wonders? Hit reply and share them with me. I'd love to hear about your experiences!

More Success Won’t Fulfill You (Here's What Will) – ft. Khe Hy

In this candid interview, I sit down with Khe Hy, a former Wall Street executive turned writer, coach, and podcast host.

We dig deep into what it truly means to make radical life and career transitions—like quitting a high-paying job at the peak of success—and how to navigate the messy identity shifts that come with it.

Khe shares brutally honest insights about redefining his relationship with achievement, the guilt over leisure time, and why chasing success doesn’t always lead to happiness.

We also touch on overachiever insecurities, playing the status game, and how Khe rebuilt his career by following the fun.

Book Recommendation: Tiny Experiments by Anne-Laure Le Cunff

Anne-Laure's LONG awaited book encapsulating and teaching her unique experimental approach to life and work is now available for pre-order.

There's no book I've been looking forward to longer, and I'm certain it's going to redefine the field of personal development – from "here's all the answers" to "here's how you find your own answers."

Readers will learn how to:

  • Be comfortable in uncertainty despite their brain craving certainty
  • Discover their true ambitions by conducting small personal experiments
  • Reframe anxieties around life’s in-betweens as opportunities for growth
  • Have the toolset to confidently navigate big decisions in their career and life
  • Stop trying to find their purpose and start living instead

The book comes out on March 4th, 2025. Preorder at the link below and get tons of amazing perks!

The ABCs of Energy Management

After writing about my energy management tips a few weeks ago, Dennis Nehrenheim—a BASB alumnus—reached out and shared his article with me that dives even deeper into the topic.

Dennis writes about 26 practical strategies to plug energy leaks and better harness your inner “life force” for meaningful productivity.

If you’re ready to go beyond traditional time management and master your energy levels, this is a must-read.


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Tiago Forte

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Second Brain Summit Group Picture

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