How Teams Get More Done

We are ready to announce the final round of speakers for the Second Brain Summit!

With the full agenda now set and just 4 days left to grab your ticket, this is your last chance to join us in LA on Oct. 3-4 for two days of inspiration, hands-on workshops, and transformative connections.

  • Michael Gendler and Tristan deMontebello, the Co-founders of Ultraspeaking, will teach strategies for speaking confidently without notes or memorization, offering techniques to stay composed and deliver impactful presentations, videos, and meetings with ease and control.
  • Marketing & messaging strategist Billy Broas will share marketing fundamentals that helped me grow a multimillion-dollar online education business from our book Simple Marketing for Smart People.
  • Our brand designer, Maya P. Lim, will share a behind-the-scenes peek into her process of designing visual identities, and offer tips for building your own branding strategically.
  • Productivity expert Mike Vardy will share actionable strategies from his book The Productivity Diet for cultivating balanced, intentional, and sustainable productivity habits, offering practical tips to optimize your relationship with time and align with your personal goals.
  • World traveler Margaret Bensfield Sullivan will share insights from her book Following the Sun, revealing how she used Second Brain techniques to capture memories, ideas, and inspiration during her year-long journey across 29 countries with her family.
  • Mark Alexander from Art of Accomplishment will lead an interactive session exploring how enjoyment, rather than speed, can be the key to true efficiency, sharing tools and live experiments to help you break free from the checkbox-dopamine cycle and achieve easeful productivity.
  • My publishing Strategist Janet Goldstein will share strategies for navigating the complex world of publishing, offering insights on how to shape and ship your ideas in book form.
  • The co-founder & CEO at Autoblocks Haroon Choudery will share strategies for improving the accuracy and reliability of AI tools to help product teams and individuals better leverage AI in their work.
  • Author of The Notebook: A History of Thinking on Paper, Roland Allen, will explore the rich history of the notebook as a powerful productivity tool, revealing timeless principles and lessons from his upcoming book that can still be applied in today’s digital age.
  • Co-founder of the Quantified Self Movement Gary Isaac Wolf will explore how self-observation and technology can deepen our understanding of ourselves and lead to meaningful life improvements.

Don’t miss your chance to learn from the best!

How I Elevate My Productivity by Focusing on Energy, Not Time

I used to be fixated on time management, but I've had an important realization: managing my energy is the key to accomplishing more.

Here's what I've learned about optimizing my energy levels and how it's improved my productivity.

Three strategies that have made a significant impact for me:

  1. Sync your work with your natural energy flow: As a morning person, I tackle my most demanding tasks right after waking up. I reserve easier, less intensive work for the afternoon when my energy naturally ebbs. (Depending on your chronotype, you might work differently.)
  2. Take strategic breaks: Instead of powering through, I now step away regularly. A brief outdoor walk or even just standing up and stretching does wonders. I keep my phone out of reach during these pauses - giving my mind true downtime is essential.
  3. Be deliberate about your fuel: I've cut back on quick-fix snacks – they always led to energy slumps. Unexpectedly, I've found that intermittent fasting provides me with more stable energy. And staying well-hydrated makes a clear difference in my focus and stamina.

What are your favorite tips for energy management? Hit reply and share them with me.

10 Tips for Boosting Team Productivity (GTD)

I just finished reading Teams: Getting Things Done with Others by David Allen, and I can't wait to share my top 10 takeaways with you. Key insights include:

  • Redefining projects for group success
  • Creating true accountability
  • Setting goals that actually work

Whether you're managing a work team or juggling family responsibilities, I'm confident these strategies will transform how you collaborate.

Have you read the book? What was your biggest takeaway?

Book Recommendation: Good Work by Paul Millerd

I thoroughly enjoyed Paul Millerd's first book, The Pathless Path, and I'm confident that his second will be just as insightful and impactful.

In Good Work, which came out yesterday, Paul invites us to question everything we thought we knew about work and its role in our life.

Paul shares his journey of opening himself up to questions like:

  • What if work can be the center of a life well-lived?
  • What truly constitutes "good work" beyond a job?
  • How might embracing uncertainty lead to fulfillment?
  • Can you prioritize family without sacrificing opportunity?
  • What is the most ambitious life path? Is it external or internal?

Elevate Your Nonfiction Reading

Books are still my favorite source for learning. But since having kids the time I can dedicate to reading has dwindled.

So Shortform has been my go-to for diving into all the interesting nonfiction books without losing any substance.

It’s an extensive library in your pocket or desktop covering genres from education and career to psychology and leadership with books like Feel Good Productivity by Ali Abdaal and Four Thousands Weeks by Oliver Burkeman.

Shortform also provides:

  • Expert analysis and commentary
  • Connections and counter-arguments in related works
  • Exportable to print and audio formats
  • Exercises to solidify understanding

The first 500 of my subscribers to sign up get a 7-day free trial and 20% OFF an annual subscription!

Thanks to Shortform for sponsoring this newsletter.


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Tiago Forte

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Only 10 days left to secure your ticket for the Second Brain Summit, happening on Oct. 3-4 in LA! We have 150 attendees coming in from a dozen countries, and it’s shaping up to be the greatest gathering of PKM-related ideas ever held. Today, I want to introduce you to another incredible speaker you’ll hear from there: Khe Hy. Khe is not your average productivity guru. As an entrepreneur, podcast host, and coach, he's been asking the questions that many of us are afraid to face. And at the...

With the Second Brain Summit just a month away, the excitement is building... And I'm especially looking forward to hearing from Rachel Woods, who’s bringing her expertise in AI and creativity to the stage. In her keynote, “Automating Creativity: Using Process and Repeatability to Unlock AI’s Potential,” Rachel will explore how AI can help us scale our creativity in ways we’ve never imagined. She’ll dive into the practical ways you can embed process and repeatability into your work, making AI...

As we gear up for the Second Brain Summit, I’m pleased to introduce the next two remarkable speakers who will be joining us this October—Stacey Harmon and Federico Simionato. Evernote has been a trusted tool for so many of us over the years, and since its acquisition by Bending Spoons in 2022, it’s undergone a transformation that’s taken its capabilities to the next level. Stacey, the OG Evernote Certified Expert, and Federico, Evernote’s Product Lead, are the perfect duo to walk us through...