I tried the Apple Vision Pro...

Journaling has been one of the most effective tools for discovery and growth that I've leaned on for many years.

Naturally, I had to bring this practice to our Second Brain Summit. So I was thrilled when Jo Franco, polyglot, Netflix travel host, and founder of the global journaling movement JoClub confirmed to join.

Jo will lead a dynamic and vulnerable workshop, introducing the practice of Live Journaling she's pioneered over the last few years as a timeless yet modern approach to self-discovery and personal development.

She will demonstrate how Live Journaling can serve as a powerful complement to PKM and digital notetaking, including how to integrate journaling with digital tools to make it even more insightful and profound.

Jo will also be the MC for our event! To meet her and many more of your favorite teachers and creators live, join us at the Second Brain Summit on October 3-4 in LA.

How to Take Notes And Capture Tasks During Meetings

I try to stay as present as possible during meetings, which means taking minimal notes.

If it's a virtual meeting, I use Evernote’s quick note feature to jot down a few points without ever leaving the Zoom screen. If I have a meeting in person, I only take handwritten notes because I found that the presence of any digital device is a distraction from the conversation.

Immediately after, I'll briefly review the notes and capture any open loops in my task manager. Should I have another meeting right after, I know there's a "safety net" ensuring I won't forget them: the next time I clear my notes inbox as part of my Weekly Review. This gives me two chances to review my notes for action items.

With AI tools, you can now automatically record and summarize meetings as well as identify action items. The critical step is transferring those to your task manager so you're reminded to execute them.

How do you capture notes and tasks during meetings? Hit reply and let me know. I'd love to compile your best practices.

Apple Vision Pro: How Tech Is Affecting Kids’ Development

How are we going to shape our kids' relationship with technology? How will we use or get used by new tools such as the Apple Vision Pro?

Ernest Wolfe, educator and software developer, joins me in this video to talk about how kids are struggling to learn, dealing with distractibility and executive function disorders.

I also take the Apple Vision Pro for a test drive for the first time, exploring different use cases and its limitations.

"A Modern Marketing Classic"

Simple Marketing for Smart People, the book my marketing advisor Billy Broas and I co-authored has been available for a month...

And it's getting fantastic reviews, even being called "a modern marketing classic." Here are a few from Amazon that I want to share with you:

"This is a fantastic book that explains the basics of marketing to anyone, whether they’re preparing to sell their first product or they’ve been in business for years. I am new to marketing and had no idea where to start - this book helped to simplify the process and highlighted the essentials of marketing while also giving me specific ideas on how to make and implement a plan." – Kayla Y.
"I’ve been stuck in the weeds of marketing for 8 years. I’ve read so many books on marketing, selling, social media, all of it, but it was like I was missing some core, foundational piece that everyone else who was successful had. This book was that piece that made the whole puzzle snap into place for me. The beliefs this book helps you create as a backbone to your marketing is 🤯. Content flows so easy now and I feel like I’m doing a service by creating it and selling." – J. Sitek
"I loved this book … because it reframed selling and marketing so that I can do them in a way that feels honourable and decent. In the past, I’ve always avoided selling because the thought of it made me feel ick. But you can’t help people if you can’t sell to them. And there’s an honest, caring way of doing that - which is what this book teaches. The writing is superb, the ideas really make sense, and the examples are enlightening." – CC

If this resonates with you, I invite you to get your copy and learn the simple marketing approach I've been using for years.

Want to Read Building a Second Brain With Your Book Club?

We prepared a free facilitation guide you can use!

This guide contains a quote, discussion prompt, and action step for each chapter of Building a Second Brain. While the discussion prompts are designed to spark conversations in your book club, the action steps are for each member to take individually.

We suggest that you reflect together on the actions taken, share your progress, and actively address any roadblocks that come up. As a group, you will achieve more and go further than you would alone.

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Tiago Forte

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Second Brain Summit Group Picture

It’s been a whirlwind two days at our first-ever in-person Second Brain Summit, and we’re still buzzing with excitement. We came together with 200 people who share the same passion for personal knowledge management, creativity, and technology—people just like you! Whether you were with us in LA or cheering us on from afar, I want to take a moment to share the incredible energy and community spirit that made this event so special. (We will return to our regular newsletter format next week.)...

2 more sleeps until the Second Brain Summit is finally here! 🧠🎉 It’s hard to believe that something we started working on a year ago is actually happening. It feels so surreal to be back in LA, getting ready to welcome over 200 people from 15 countries for two days of conversations, learning, and connections. We’ve poured everything into making this summit a truly transformative experience—and it’s going to be incredible to see it all come together. If you want to follow along with the...