I'm going to Antarctica!

I'm incredibly excited to share that my wife Lauren and I are going to Antarctica in December!

But this is no ordinary trip...

It's called Space2Sea, a special one-time voyage hosted by Future of Space and the William Shatner, with a group of space luminaries like astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, journalist Ann Curry, former NASA astronauts Scott Kelly and José Hernández, filmmaker and environmentalist Céline Cousteau, and artist Stephen Wiltshire.

There are 3 main reasons I'm so excited about this:

  1. It's the opportunity of a lifetime to experience one of Earth's rarest and quickly disappearing environments.
  2. It's the intersection of two of my biggest current interests, space exploration and climate change.
  3. It's the perfect chance to do my year-end review and test my theory that the environment you're in has a profound effect on the results.

We'll depart from Ushuaia in Argentina and visit 10 sites around Antarctica over 10 days, incl. Zodiac and kayak excursions, a below-the-ice submarine, hiking on the ice, and educational programs.

I will of course document every step of the way and share what I learn and discover via this newsletter.

Jacques-Yves Cousteau said: “We only protect what we love, we only love what we understand, and we only understand what we are taught.”

I think Antarctica is the ultimate bellwether for how we're changing the planet, and how a broader awareness of our place in the universe can inform and maybe even improve how we treat it.

How to Avoid the Productivity Obsession Trap

I've been there. After quitting my consulting job burned out, I thought surviving as a freelancer meant outworking everyone else. I'd answer emails at lightning speed and tick off as many tasks as possible each day.

The result? Another burnout. My work satisfaction hit rock bottom. Optimizing productivity on an hourly or daily level was the worst approach I'd ever taken.

So, I tried something different: I started caring almost exclusively about outcomes – concrete, measurable accomplishments. Things like publishing a blog post, giving a talk, or launching a website. I'd do the minimum necessary to achieve that outcome.

This shift was transformative. Here's what I learned:

  1. Be honest with yourself about what you want, what's feasible, and what truly matters.
  2. Don't create unnecessary obstacles. We often think we need to complete step Y before step X, but the steps needed are usually fewer than we imagine.
  3. Focus on outcomes, not busy work.

Remember, productivity isn't about doing more. It's about achieving what matters most to you. Your Second Brain isn't just a productivity tool – it's a way to live a more meaningful, balanced life.

What outcome will you focus on this week?

How I Beat Email Overload – 6 Tips ft. Superhuman

Feeling overwhelmed by a never-ending stream of emails? I released a video sharing 6 strategies that will completely transform your relationship with email—using Superhuman, my favorite email tool.

Here's what I cover:

  1. Forget Folders (embrace AI-powered search instead)
  2. Never write emails from scratch
  3. Follow up
  4. Split your inbox
  5. Unsubscribe instantly
  6. Streamline team communication

Why Most Public Speaking Advice Is Wrong—And How to Finally Overcome Anxiety

Public speaking is one of the most powerful forms of expression, and we do it all the time. Yet, when it comes to speaking in public, many of us feel nervous, or even freeze up.

At the recent Second Brain Summit, Tristan and Michael, co-founders of Ultraspeaking, hosted a workshop that became a standout favorite among attendees.

Now, Tristan appeared on Lenny’s Podcast to share Ultraspeaking’s unique approach to quickly improving communication and presentation skills.

In this episode, they dive into:

  • Why public speaking is a meta-skill that can transform your life
  • Practical games and exercises to improve your speaking skills
  • The “Accordion Method” for preparing talks without memorization
  • The “Bow and Arrow Technique” for crafting memorable presentations
  • Tristan’s journey to the World Championship of Public Speaking finals

Also, check out my interview with Michael where he shares a 3-step public speaking formula.

Who Needs to Hear Joe Hudson’s Message?

Many of you have heard me speak about Joe Hudson, the Silicon Valley executive coach who's been a pivotal mentor in my life.

His impact on my personal and professional growth has been profound, as you can see in our recent conversation here and in my blog post about his retreat here.

While Joe has been quietly coaching executives at top companies, I believe his insights on personal growth, emotional intelligence, and leadership deserve a wider audience.

This is where you come in!

Do you know of podcasts where Joe's message would resonate? Better yet, can you help make connections for guest appearances? Your suggestions could help others experience the same transformative growth I have.

If you have ideas or connections, please email outreach@artofaccomplishment.com. Your input could make a real difference in people's lives and work.

Thank you for being part of this community and for your help in amplifying this important voice.


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Tiago Forte

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Second Brain Summit Group Picture

It’s been a whirlwind two days at our first-ever in-person Second Brain Summit, and we’re still buzzing with excitement. We came together with 200 people who share the same passion for personal knowledge management, creativity, and technology—people just like you! Whether you were with us in LA or cheering us on from afar, I want to take a moment to share the incredible energy and community spirit that made this event so special. (We will return to our regular newsletter format next week.)...

2 more sleeps until the Second Brain Summit is finally here! 🧠🎉 It’s hard to believe that something we started working on a year ago is actually happening. It feels so surreal to be back in LA, getting ready to welcome over 200 people from 15 countries for two days of conversations, learning, and connections. We’ve poured everything into making this summit a truly transformative experience—and it’s going to be incredible to see it all come together. If you want to follow along with the...

I’m speaking at the 4th Annual Lifestyle Medicine Congress in Mexico City! Taking place Oct. 21-23, it will be a deep dive into “lifestyle medicine,” i.e. how sleep quality, stress management, nutrition, relationships, physical activity, and substance use profoundly affects our bodies and lives just as much as any medicine. I recently published the story of my journey healing psychosomatic pain, and this is the first time I’ll dive deeper into what I learned and what worked for me in a live...