7 Things I’m Doing Differently for My Next Book Project

Tickets for our inaugural Second Brain Summit are officially on sale! 🚀

The question that's driving me as we're putting together the event is: What becomes possible when we combine the power of technology with the potential of the human mind?

Whether you’re building an app or a company, designing a website or a workflow, authoring a book or a life, I want the Summit to be THE place to unlock the incredible possibilities of the global revolution in digital creativity we’re living through.

Join me and your favorite online creators on October 3-4 in LA for an immersive pop-up university to master the art of productivity and creativity through digital tools.

3 Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Choosing Your Notetaking App

I've shared strategies for how to pick the right notetaking app for your needs on YouTube and on our blog.

Today, I want to talk about the common pitfalls I've seen people step into when they're making that choice.

1. Putting too many expectations on any one app

Choosing a notes app is a bit like looking for a romantic partner. The one person that is perfect in every way doesn’t exist. Similarly, there‘s no perfect tool that will fulfill every need you have. Remember that your notetaking app is just one part of the digital ecosystem that is your Second Brain. You can and will work with other apps as part of your system.

2. Trying to anticipate every future need

Don’t worry about what you think you might need from your notes app a year from now. Choose an app to get started with the least hassle. What’s important is that you start practicing the principles and habits of building a Second Brain. It’s likely that you’ll switch at some point in the future to another tool as your priorities and needs change.

3. Falling for shiny-new-toy syndrome

Yes, trying new technology is exciting and fun. You hear about a new upcoming app and immediately consider switching because you might like the interface better or it promises new features. But I recommend sticking with a notes app for at least a few months until you’ve understood how it works and whether it meets your needs. You can and should allow yourself time to play with new products, but make sure they meet a high bar before switching over.

New Book, New Strategy: The 7 Main Things I’m Doing Differently for the Annual Review Book

I recently announced my next major project: a book on how to complete a year-end life review as a ritual for self-reflection and growth.

I’ve had an annual review practice in some form since 2008, and I can’t think of anything else that has more dramatically impacted my life in that time. I can’t wait to bring this practice, which has existed for a long time among CEOs, executives, heads of state, and creatives, to the wider world.

The first question I’m asking myself as I embark on this years-long journey is, “What do I want to do differently from last time?”

I’ve documented the process of writing and publishing my previous book, Building a Second Brain, in great detail, partly so that I can now look back and take stock of what worked and what didn’t.

In this blog post, I share the 7 strategic decisions I’m making differently this time and why.

Case Study: PARA in Microsoft Teams with Lorenzo Sevilla

Our Director of Marketing, Julia Saxena, interviewed CEO Lorenzo Sevilla about his experience applying the PARA Method to his two companies in the construction industry in Ecuador.

The two businesses operate with different processes and strategies, providing a unique sandbox for testing PARA's flexibility and effectiveness in a business setting. This experience has generated valuable insights that Lorenzo shares in this case study.

If you're interested in bringing the PARA Method to your team and organization, please fill out this form to let us know.

Book Recommendation: Team by David Allen & Edward Lamont

David Allen's bestseller Getting Things Done has been a major influence on my work. So I couldn't have been more excited to finally read his new book about getting things done with others.

Allen and Lamont brilliantly deconstruct the essence of effective team dynamics in today’s information-inundated world.

Team is a must-read for anyone seeking to navigate the complex landscape of 21st-century work environments.

It’s a book that doesn’t just speak to managers or team members; it speaks to the heart of what makes us effective and fulfilled in our professional lives.

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Tiago Forte

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With the Second Brain Summit just a month away, the excitement is building... And I'm especially looking forward to hearing from Rachel Woods, who’s bringing her expertise in AI and creativity to the stage. In her keynote, “Automating Creativity: Using Process and Repeatability to Unlock AI’s Potential,” Rachel will explore how AI can help us scale our creativity in ways we’ve never imagined. She’ll dive into the practical ways you can embed process and repeatability into your work, making AI...

As we gear up for the Second Brain Summit, I’m pleased to introduce the next two remarkable speakers who will be joining us this October—Stacey Harmon and Federico Simionato. Evernote has been a trusted tool for so many of us over the years, and since its acquisition by Bending Spoons in 2022, it’s undergone a transformation that’s taken its capabilities to the next level. Stacey, the OG Evernote Certified Expert, and Federico, Evernote’s Product Lead, are the perfect duo to walk us through...

You've got exactly 27 hours left to get your ticket for the Second Brain Summit at the early-bird price! After that, the price goes up from $999 to $1200. By the way, we've just announced 8 more speakers who will lead small breakout sessions giving you the chance to dive even deeper into specialized topics. Today, I want to highlight one of our workshop leaders: productivity expert and creator Thomas Frank. Thomas has been obsessed with solving a common problem... that the best ideas often...