What are you managing your knowledge for?

What are you managing your knowledge for?

Ryder Carroll (creator of The Bullet Journal Method), will explore this simple question at the Second Brain Summit in his workshop "Pre.K.M: Defining your purpose before building your process."

Without a purpose, personal knowledge management can deteriorate into overwhelming information hoarding.

So, whether you're running a company, writing a book, or launching a YouTube channel, this session will guide you through ways to define a foundation on which to build your PKM.

There’s a lot more I want to share about the Second Brain Summit, how we’re planning the agenda and activities, and why I invited the specific people you’ll see there.

That’s why I’m hosting an info session and Q&A this Friday, August 16th at 12 pm ET (view in your time zone). I hope to see you there.

How to Let Go of Perfectionism

The biggest obstacle to creativity isn't a lack of inspiration. It's the fear of making something imperfect and sharing it with the world.

We've all been there: We held something back because we wanted to get it juuust right.

How can we let go of perfectionist tendencies? Here are three strategies:

  • Shift your focus from perfection to progress: Embrace the idea of making incremental improvements and learning from each step rather than striving for a flawless outcome right from the start.
  • Recognize that not everything requires the highest standard of quality: Learning to prioritize which tasks need your best effort and which do not can significantly reduce the pressure to be perfect.
  • Cultivate self-compassion: This means being kind to yourself when things don't go as planned. Mistakes are a natural part of every learning process.

VidCon 2024: 8 Takeaways on How YouTube and the Creator Economy Are Changing

I've been fascinated by the creator economy for years now. It's not just a niche phenomenon anymore - it's reshaping entire industries and creating new career paths.

To learn more about where we're headed, I attended VidCon for the first time this June, the preeminent global conference on YouTube and all things Creator Economy.

I gained insights into YouTube's growing dominance, the challenges creators face in staying relevant, and how AI is changing the game.

Whether you're a creator yourself or just curious about the shifts in tech and media happening today, I'm sharing my top 8 takeaways in this new blog post.

Journaling 101: Free Live Session with Jo Franco

I want to extend an invitation by Jo Franco to a free journaling session on Saturday, August 17th from 12 - 2 pm ET.

Jo is the founder of the global journaling movement JoClub, a polyglot, a Netflix Travel Host, and a speaker at the Second Brain Summit.

This free session will help you use paper and pen as tools to reconnect with yourself, plan your aligned path, and script your dream life.

The theme of this event is “Journaling 101: How to use journaling to transform your life.” Jo will take you on a thought-provoking journey, providing tools, science-based evidence, and prompts to help you start journaling.

If you are curious about journaling and enjoy meeting people around the world, you’ll be in great company. You'll also get the chance to ask questions about journaling and JoClub.

Using ChatGPT to Optimize Your Second Brain Setup

Second Brain member LaToya is growing her business and wanted to brainstorm how she could structure her Second Brain to support her expansion.

So, she gave ChatGPT a try.

Here's the prompt she shared in our community and the recommendation she got (image above):

"You are an expert in Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte. I am thinking about how I should organize my business second brain. How should I organize my clients and their files using the PARA method?"

I found that brainstorming is one of AI's strengths, often revealing possibilities I hadn't thought about.

Have you experimented with AI to optimize your Second Brain? I'd love to hear about your experiences. Hit reply and share them, please.


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Tiago Forte

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We are ready to announce the final round of speakers for the Second Brain Summit! With the full agenda now set and just 4 days left to grab your ticket, this is your last chance to join us in LA on Oct. 3-4 for two days of inspiration, hands-on workshops, and transformative connections. Michael Gendler and Tristan deMontebello, the Co-founders of Ultraspeaking, will teach strategies for speaking confidently without notes or memorization, offering techniques to stay composed and deliver...

Only 10 days left to secure your ticket for the Second Brain Summit, happening on Oct. 3-4 in LA! We have 150 attendees coming in from a dozen countries, and it’s shaping up to be the greatest gathering of PKM-related ideas ever held. Today, I want to introduce you to another incredible speaker you’ll hear from there: Khe Hy. Khe is not your average productivity guru. As an entrepreneur, podcast host, and coach, he's been asking the questions that many of us are afraid to face. And at the...

With the Second Brain Summit just a month away, the excitement is building... And I'm especially looking forward to hearing from Rachel Woods, who’s bringing her expertise in AI and creativity to the stage. In her keynote, “Automating Creativity: Using Process and Repeatability to Unlock AI’s Potential,” Rachel will explore how AI can help us scale our creativity in ways we’ve never imagined. She’ll dive into the practical ways you can embed process and repeatability into your work, making AI...